Teen Patti Max

Teen Patti Max

Lunnon Cedric Craig

Updated: February 8, 2024
Published: February 8, 2024
reviews 3.6 rating 30 reviews
download 20.2 MB 774 installs
withdrawal limit ₹ 100 Min. Withdrawal
Teen Patti Max App
Teen Patti max APK

About TeenPatti Max

Teen Patti Max is an improved variant of the well-known Indian card game Teen Patti. To give a more engaging game experience, this software has improved graphics, animations, and an intuitive user interface. Teen Patti offers players a variety of game modes and variations to enjoy. To foster a feeling of community, social features like in-game chat, gift-giving, and friend connections are included. Frequent competitions and events are present here that maintains players engagement by providing incentives for active engagement.

TeenPatti Max App Specifications

App Details
No.of Installs
No.of Reviews
30 Reviews
App Size
20.2 MB
Withdrawal Policy
Instant vs Manual
Min Withdrawal Amount
₹ 100
Deposit Policy
Min deposit
₹ 100
Bonus Policy
Bonus → Withdrawal
Expiry Period
KYC Policy
Pan Based
Adhar Based
Device Feasibility
Other App Features
Free Game Section
Last Updated On
Aug 18, 2023

TeenPatti Max Variants

  • Classic Teen Patti: This is the most popular and conventional rendition of Teen Patti. Each player receives three cards, and there are usually three to six players. Players can choose to play blind or to view their cards before putting bets, and the game is structured around standard poker hand rankings.


  • Muflis: In this game the weakest hand becomes the strongest in muflis, and vice versa. Because of this, players must reconsider their strategy and approach, which gives the game a new strategic element.


  • AK47: In this version, some cards are particularly important. The strongest cards are the Aces, Kings, Fours, and Sevens (AK47), which players use to construct combinations for higher-ranking hands.


  • Wild Draw: In the Wild Draw Teen Patti game, a card or cards with a wild designation can be used to replace any other card to create a winning hand. Due to the unpredictable nature of this, players must modify their plans in response to the wild cards that are now in play.


  • Lowball Teen Patti: Also referred to as the “Lowest Card,” this variation has the lowest combination being the strongest and reverses the hand rankings. Aces are the lowest-ranked card in this variant, and straights and flushes are not taken into account.


  • Top of Four: Top of Four In the variant known as Teen Patti, each player is dealt four cards at first, but they can only use three of those cards to form the best hand. This incorporates another level of planning and judgment.

TeenPatti Max Features

  • Enhanced Graphics and User Interface: The app frequently concentrates on upgrading the app’s visual attractiveness by optimizing the user interface and enhancing graphics.
  • Variety of Game Modes: To keep players interested, developers provide additional game modes or variations. 
  • Features for Social and Multiplayer: Social contact is emphasized in a lot of card game apps. To enable gamers to communicate with friends or other users worldwide, they could have features like chat rooms, friend invites, and multiplayer modes.
  • In-App guidelines:They offer in-app tutorials and guidelines to entice new users and aid in their understanding of the regulations.
  • Daily Challenges and Rewards: Developers frequently include daily challenges, tasks, or reward systems to promote consistent involvement. 
  • Customization Options: Users can customize their game experience to suit their tastes with the use of tools like customisable avatars, table themes, and card designs.
  • Safe and Fair Gaming: It’s critical to make sure that the gaming environment is both safe and fair. To ensure the game’s integrity, developers use sophisticated security measures and fair play algorithms.

How to Download TeenPatti Max

  • Go to the Official Website: Go to Teen Patti Max’s official website. You can look for this by searching the internet or by visiting the app’s official social media pages.
  • Locate the “Download” or “Get the App” area after you’ve navigated to the website. This is typically shown very prominently on the home page.
  • Select the Platform: Choose the platform that is right for your device. For instance, search for the Android download option if you’re using an Android device. Look for the iOS download option if you’re using an iOS device.
  • Get the app: Select the button or link for download. The app will get downloaded after verifying.
  • Set up the app: To install the application on your smartphone, adhere to the on-screen directions. You may need to allow installations from unknown sources in your settings if you’re using an Android smartphone.
  • Open the App: Open the Teen Patti Max app when it has been installed. If you don’t already have an account, you must create one or log in.


TeenPatti Max Login / Signup


  • Register an Account: It asks users to register for a new account. To get a verification code, you need to give a working phone number or email address.
  • Validation: The email address or phone number you submit is sent a verification code. Users verify their identification by entering the code.
  • Details of the Account: Users input the relevant data, including their password, username, and any additional information that is needed.


  • Launch the app: On their device, users launch the application.
  • Screen for Login: They go to the login screen, where fields for the password and username/email are often seen.
  • Put in your credentials: Users input the password that is linked to their account as well as their registered username or email address.
  • Optional Two-Factor Authentication: For additional protection, the app offers optional two-factor authentication, which requires users to enter a code sent to their registered phone number or email address.
  • Verification: The application compares the entered credentials to the data it has stored in its database.

TeenPatti Max Withdraw & Deposit




  • Create an Account: On the Teen Patti Max app, users must register and provide the required information, such as their username, password, and potentially some personal data for account verification.
  • Methods of Payment: It is probable that the application will include multiple ways to make deposits, including e-wallets, bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and other online payment methods.
  • Section for Deposits: There ought to be a section of the app dedicated to deposits. Users can start the deposit procedure by navigating to this section.
  • Choose Your Amount: The amount that users wish to deposit is up to them. There are usually minimum and maximum deposit limits for apps.
  • Verification of Payment: Users might have to confirm the payment after choosing the amount. For security purposes, this can entail a two-step verification procedure.
  • Time Spent Processing: The deposit could not happen right away, and users might wait to withdraw the money. 




  • Verification of Account: Users might have to finish an account verification process before they can withdraw. Usually, in order to comply with requirements, this entails providing identity documents.
  • Section of Withdrawal: There will be a special area of the app for withdrawals, just like there is for deposits.
  • Choose a Withdrawal Method: Users select the withdrawal mode that best suits them, from e-wallets to bank transfers.
  • Choose Your Amount: When choosing how much to withdraw, users make sure it stays within the app’s withdrawal restrictions.

TeenPatti Max Offers

TeenPatti Max Rules


  • The Ante: Initiate the excitement by placing the Ante, the gateway to the high-stakes journey ahead.
  • The Deal: Three cards dealt per player from a standard deck set the stage for the unfolding drama.
  • The Call or Raise: Players decide to Call (match the bet) or Raise, adding strategic depth to the game.
  • The Side Bets: Spice up the game with side bets, wagering on elements like highest card or card color.
  • Showdown: The climax where hands are revealed, rewarding combinations like Trail or Pure Sequence.
  • Ranking of Hands: Master the hierarchy from Trio to Pure Sequence for a strategic edge.
  • Blind and Seen Players: Introduces Blind (betting without seeing cards) and Seen (gaining insight) players, adding complexity.

How to Play TeenPatti Max

Objective: The main goal of Teen Patti is to have the best hand among all the players or to bluff in a way that convinces others to fold, allowing you to win the pot.


Players: Teen Patti is usually played with 3 to 6 players.


Card Ranking: Cards are ranked from highest to lowest as follows:


  • Trail or Set (Three of a kind)
  • Straight Flush
  • Straight
  • Flush
  • Pair
  • High Card


Game Process


  • The ante is the first wager that players make into the pot. 
  • Three cards are dealt to each participant, and there are several betting rounds in this game. 
  • Depending on the strength of their hand, players can decide whether to call, raise, or fold. 
  • Players must match the previous stake in order to continue playing, or they may fold if they think their hand is poor. 
  • Following the last betting round, participants reveal their cards, and the pot is won by the player with the best hand based on a predetermined ranking system.

TeenPatti Max Customer Support

In the event of any issues, gamers have convenient access to customer support via the Teen Patti Max  app. The integrated website bot caters to common challenges like login troubles, offering assistance. Additionally, a plethora of frequently asked questions (FAQs) is readily available to address common queries related to the app.

TeenPatti Max FAQs

How to download the Teen Patti Max app?

Visit the official website, search “Teen Patti Max,” and click “Install” to download the app.

Can I play Teen Patti Max with friends?

Yes, invite friends to private tables and enjoy Teen Patti Max together for a personalized gaming experience.

Are there different variations of Teen Patti available?

Absolutely, Teen Patti Max offers multiple game variations, providing diverse and exciting gameplay options for users.

What are the in-app purchase options available?

Avail chip packages and exclusive items to enhance your gaming experience through secure in-app purchase options.

Is Teen Patti Max available for both iOS and Android?

Yes, Teen Patti Max is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, ensuring accessibility for a wide user base.

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